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Narrative on choices

Choices narrative

BE3CB857-C203-43C8-AD1F-7CA24C808C46                  “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice defines you”-John C. Maxwell



     One choice can change your life forever. It is the only thing moving you along the path of life. you’re choices define you and make you who you are. Think about a choice you made and how it affected you. My greatest choice was going to sleepaway camp for the first time in 4th grade. I was frightened and worried about the summer being “wasted”. What I didn’t know was how it would effect my life the next coming years.


   Back in fourth grade I hadn’t been able to leave my home town a lot because of our large family. Although I longed for some change from our home town. The choice wasn’t difficult because my two older brothers had gone and I have seen and heard a lot about the camp. It’s a wilderness 7-week sleep away camp called camp Mowglis. The day I arrived I felt immediately welcomed. We climbed mountains, the air to me the freshest in the world and swimming in the lake felt like it was cleaner than any water you would drink in America. I formed friendships and fell in love with the New Hampshire scenery. And to this day it is still the best part of my year being secluded in the fresh wilderness of New Hampshire.


    And being in school writing about this makes me long for the smoky campfire and windy mountain summits. And the long talks with my dorm mates about life outside of camp yet we still are grieving for camp being over. I’ve formed great friendships and with most of my dorm and it’s sad to think about most of us parting ways when we graduate.


    My camp years have taught me a lot about life beside how to keep a campfire going in the pouring rain or how to apply a tourniquet and a splint in the middle of the woods only using the materials I have. It has taught me a lot about life and about what is important to me. The choices I’ve made have created who I am.





Winter trees


Cold bark cold ground(a)

Stinging sharp air (b)

Waiting spring bound(a)

stay on your mare(b)


Cold howl white steam(c)

Drifting upward(d)

Forcefully and mean(c)

Coping with nature(d)



Tell a story


See that cabin(a)

Through the mold(b)

cabin be havin(a)

Dark wet and cold(b)


Given up hope(c)

How worse to he (d)

To bad to cope(c)

Please not to me(d)



I was in a rush to do these poems, iPad wouldn’t work and I could only do this on pages. I missed some of the classes of explaination so I might not have gotten this right. 





Winter trees


Cold bark cold ground(a)

Stinging sharp air (b)

Waiting spring bound(a)

stay on your mare(b)


Cold howl white steam(c)

Drifting upward(d)

Forcefully and mean(c)

Coping with nature(d)



Tell a story


See that cabin(a)

Through the mold(b)

cabin be havin(a)

Dark wet and cold(b)


Given up hope(c)

How worse to he (d)

To bad to cope(c)

Please not to me(d)



I was in a rush to do these poems, iPad wouldn’t work and I could only do this on pages. I missed some of the classes of explaination so I might not have gotten this right.