Upgrading 9th Grade
The Emotions Of Sport

Guest Speaker Reflection

One Giant Community 

The world, traveling, communication and experiences.


It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. - Henry David Thoreau 

Throughout the workshop with Adam Aronovitz, there were many things I learned about how we as humans need to do several things by ourselves and together to cooperate more and to come together. 

There were several things I could connect to with Mr. Aronovitz. One of the main takeaways included traveling internationally and seeing different cultures to him is the "norm" of his summers as every summer after I go to summer camp, I travel to the UK to visit family as he does with Greece. Another takeaway and one thing that interested me during the presentation was how he takes kids from the Boston area to go to these different cultures and communities to make them even better than they originally were. One way this connects to The Odyssey is when Telemachus invited Athena disguised as Mentes to introduce herself “But come, please, tell me about yourself now, point by point.” (164, The Odyssey)

The main takeaway in the presentation was the simulation what he does with high school students in the summer, however, downscale it into smaller groups in the library. Making a plan as to how we could help other groups was hard because we had limited resources that really made no sense as to how it would help another community to grow stronger and become self-sustainable. Some of the items we had to use to fix communities included yarn, string, blue tape, water, tissue paper, and origami paper. At first, figuring out what to do with these items was like a dog figuring out how to get the treat out of the Kong toy. It seemed nearly impossible. However, with thinking about what a community needs to survive we divided up the materials and planned how we would use them to save the community. We used the purple tissue paper as medicine to save the people from illness and diseases. The origami paper was folded into tents to represent new houses and the development of them. We then used the red paper tissue to represent new schools and civilization being built. We didn't end up using the bottle of water provided however we attempted to use the blue tape to represent a freshwater source going through the city. Once we presented these changes to the group they started becoming very antagonistic saying they didn't want our help and that their community was just fine. At first, this was a shock and a setback to our group as we had implied these plans and the failing community really didn't want our help towards fixing what needs to be worked on. After multiple attempts failing of trying to convince the failing community to let us come in, provide resources and help fix the issues that they clearly needed help with, we debriefed and each group shared their side. Apparently it turns out the failing group had just received their country's own independence and because of that they saw us coming in to help out as a threat instead of a safety net of support. 

With all things considered, if the failing group had communicated this with us from the beginning or when we came in to provide our help. We could have come together more collaboratively to see how they wanted their community changed and how we could help provide resources with our suggestions to make that work. 






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As always, a good and thoughtful response from you that reflects your innate wisdom. I would love to hear more of "your thoughts" about the "collaborative" part of the day that you touch on inn your conclusion.

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