A Week In My Life
A Child’s Christmas Essay

Power of Tradition

The Power of Tradition

84E06D87-76A3-4057-8F39-900905B4EE61Fireworks and Pizza

“You're much better than fireworks. They're all over in a moment, and you're going to stay for a fortnight. Besides, fireworks are noisy, and they make too much smoke.” - Kate Ross



Many families have huge traditions of seeing their grandparents every Christmas or trying to see a glimpse of summer by going to the southern hemisphere. While my family has small traditions, they are the ones that have a bigger impact than any extravagant trip anywhere. Every year on New Year's Eve, my family and I go out to see the Fireworks on the Boston Common. Despite the cold, it is overall a really great time. We head out at around six pm to the T and join the crowds of people heading into Boston. One of the best parts about New Year's eve is the buzz in the air and the feeling of excitement that everyone else has. Once we get off the T into the freezing cold of Boston the real fun begins. There's usually a parade going through Boston right before the fireworks and its great to see all the different culture's represented. When the fireworks being its amazing to see all the colors in the air and how amazed and at awe people are by the different colors celebrating the start to a new year. After the fireworks, it is always a tradition for my family and I to go and eat Pizza. In Cambridge, Massachusets, there is a place called ZA Pizza where my brother and I have been celebrities since we have moved to Boston. It's always great to go and see some of the same managers, servers and chefs that have literally seen me grow up since I was a small and eight years old. While eating pizza and seeing fireworks on Boston common may seem something simple or boring to others, there is something about doing it every single year on New Years that makes it really special that never get's old.


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Henry I sounds like your tradition of eating pizza at the same place and watching fireworks on New Years is something that’s really special for you. This was a really good paragraph.

Henry, this writing piece is you in an essay. Its vibrant, energetic and full of life. You do a great job of using essential details to add to the story of your tradition. Your essay definitely stands out, because of the life you bring it. I wish there was a little bit more of a reflective aspect to this writing piece, but I cant argue, the way you finish it is the way you started it. Truthful. Great job!

Henry, I can feel the energy in the piece, and know you really enjoy this tradition. I also love how you start your piece talking about the big events, then narrow down onto the smaller ones, the ones that are more important. I can find no real faults in this piece, except for a few grammar and spelling mistakes. The piece flows well and gives us a glimpse into your tradition. Good story Henry, well told!

Henry, you explained your tradition well in this writing. You practically brought me into the tradition with you, it was very detailed and interesting. It sounds awesome to go every year to see the big, bright, colorful fireworks on Boston Common. I also thought it was very interesting/cool that afterwards you get to go to ZA pizza where you are “a celebrity”. It sounds like you know the pizza makers there which is really cool And sounds like a fun tradition.

Henry, you described your NEw YEar’s Eve experiences very well. I can clearly see how something like that could be very special for you, and I can also see how eating pizza at 1:00 AM has it’s own tradition to it. Overall, you did a great job!

This makes two for tradition so far. I guess pizza is now a part of American culture. I agree with you that small traditions can feel like big ones depending on how you look at it. You display your story and bring the reader through your New Year’s Eve and what you do down to the hour. This makes the reader feel the story more and visualize it easier.

Henry, well done. You did a good job on writing out the feelings of tradition. With family, with siblings , and with parents.I can imagine the feeling of eating pizza, ahhh! nicely done.

Henry, great job. This piece powerfully conveys your feelings on tradition and how eating pizza and watching fireworks is special to you!

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