Advice to a Younger Writer
- Writing 8,000 words isn't easy and plain out boring. That's why being able to sell your story is important. This takes passion, energy, determination, and enthusiasm. If you arent passionate about your story and what you want to possibly make a movie out of or sell it just isn't going to work. In addition to that if you aren't passionate about it - what on earth are you doing? If you don't like the piece you are writing on it simply isn't going to be good and people won't want to look at it simply because you don't yourself.
- The thought of 8,000 words to me was not ideal - with this I lobbied my English teacher Fitz to let me film and produce a movie instead. After many attempts and different sell points, he thankfully caved in. With this, I had less time to get possibly more work done which leads me to my next point of advice - planning, and organization. The whole process takes a lot of time, to say the least. By planning out what you are going to write section by section it helps a lot. That way you can jot down any thoughts that you have and be able to have a clear path on where the story is going.
- My next piece of advice would be to take time out to simply just work. While at first two weeks to do an assignment seems like a long while. However, it shortly creeps up before you know it and somehow its the night before the assignment and there are still loads to do. While worth ethic is very personal to each individual, I have found that by putting a solid hour or two of work at a time without having any breaks or distractions is the best way to go by it instead of doing little chunks of time here and there.
- My next piece of advice would be to go get advice and have someone hold you accountable for your work. I have found that by having friends and my parents look at my work, it not only helps me improve from the advice they give. However, it also makes me want to work harder as I know that they want to see me and my project succeed. There are only so many ideas I can only have as a person. That's why by getting others involved with my project, I get new fresh and open-minded ideas which while I might not use, definitely contribute to how I could make the project better.
- My final piece of advice would be to have self-love and pride. There are so many people out there that won't see the true talent and hard work that has been put into the heroic cycle project. By having self-pride it not only motivates you to work more, however it proves you know what you are doing and that you believe what you are worth. There will be so many people to "fix" things and tell you how to "improve" however by proving that you like what you have accomplished needs to come from inside of you.