Reading Log
Free Write 2

Free Write 1


”Staying at home everyday keeps corona away.”



     We are now almost three months into quarantine, oh wait never mind we’re only three weeks in. I don’t know if you can tell or not, but I don’t like quarantine. Each day I wake up and it’s the same routine every day. I wake up go downstairs to my basement and join advisor. I sit in the same spot for the rest of the “school day” joining different zooms. I then walk upstairs to the kitchen and make myself lunch. For the next few I hours I’m either outside biking, playing soccer or basketball. I then do my homework around four so I can play Xbox with the boys at night. As you can see not the most exciting routine. Although school isn’t the cost thing to be doing at moments, I would much rather be at school and suffering through it with all of my friends right there and not right there on the screen. One thing that I am really looking forward to is the first time I’m gonna be able to see all of my friends again, I’m hoping it will be sometime over the summer, but you’ll never know based on the way things are going right now. 
