Camp Belknap
Finally, The Big Boys

Daily Journal 1

Online classes

6B704BC6-C1F1-4EDE-AFBF-536F929B3FC0“Change is the only constant in life.”



     I am not a fan of online classes. That’s the easiest way to put it. The routine is the same as any other school day, slowly wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth, eat some breakfast, but this is where it feels different, instead of walking outside to get in the car I walk downstairs and turn on my iPad to begin my day of school. This part of the day has felt really weird so far, now I’m sure I’ll get more used to it over these few weeks and it will become my new norm, but so far it has felt far from that. To help me get into this routine I’ve set two alarms and told my mom to send my dog into my room to wake me up, but unfortunately, this only worked for one day because I woke up at 9:10 on Friday missing the first ten minutes of advisor. 


By far the weirdest part of all of this is instead of walking from one class to another with all of your friends it’s leaving one zoom and texting with all of your friends as you sit and wait for your teacher to accept you into the zoom. Another issue I have with this process is on most days you don’t have a zoom for every class, but days like I had on Friday where I only had a zoom for advisor and then math at 12:00. I feel like instead of just telling students to do work over it’s better to at least have like a five minute check in over zoom or else your students aren’t going to do the work especially when all they have to do is switch apps to get to a game or take a few steps to get on Xbox. 

Don’t get me wrong I don’t have every aspect of this, there’s less work, the classes are thirty minutes shorter so there’s a lot less time to talk about stuff in class, we get to sleep in a bit more and if a teacher tells you to do stop doing something and keep doing it, let’s be honest they really can’t do anything about it. Now I’m not gonna say I’m looking forward to these next few months of online classes, but I’m not gonna say I’m not looking forward to them.
