Fitz Style Blog Post #2
My Cat Mittens
The most loving animal
”Time spent with cats is never wasted.”
-Sigmund Freud
A thick warm feeling engulfs my body. I notice the how soft the pure white fur is on my nose. Small skin like beans touch my face, and I hear the jingle of a quiet little bell. I am woken by the purrs of Mittens, or Mitt for short. He is pushing his fluffy paws on my chin. I see his eyes fully shut and his mouth smiling. The warm heavy blankets are parted for him. He is happy to just be with me. “Eli, wake up.” My mom stands over me. I see her eyes gleaming at me. I groan, and get up. Mitt looks up at me with despair in his eyes. I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth, and than take a shower. I come back out from my bathroom, and I see Mitt peacefully waiting for me to return. I get dressed and say goodbye to him. As the day goes by, I usually get a video of Mitt from my Mom where he is very sad or is causing trouble. The “Aww.” Or “Mitt!” texts are exchanged, then I carry on with my day. At the end of my day, I come home and see Mitt staring at me with excitement. “Hi! Did you miss me?” I ask. He answers with purrs and looks of love. During my study hours, he is always with me, laying next to me or just in the same room, and as the day ends, I get into bed, and shortly later he comes in and plops down next to me in my bed. Then the cycle repeats.