It's Corona Time
My thoughts on humanity's situation
"Vulnerability is basically uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure."
-Brene Brown
Lets talk Covid.
How have you been feeling in these times of uncertainty? These lines I keep hearing almost every day. The constant concern, which don't get me wrong, its good, but some privacy would be nice. The media feels like it is on fire. Every day there is something new. I don't want to underplay the severity of this whole issue, But it just feels like it is being overblown. It is very sad that people are dying. I hope some cure comes out soon. The cases in mass are scary high. they keep rising exponentially. Unlike some people I know, I don't believe it is a government hoax. Crazy huh.
It feels like the media wants to scare us, which is probably a little true, because if they post some boring title with some boring statistic, they are not going to get any viewers, and no viewers means no MONEY! Moola makes the world go around kids. I would like to have toilet paper, so can people stop hoarding please? Hoarding just hurts other people, and you are stuck with 10 million toilet paper rolls when this whole thing is over. The change in schooling is, well, different. I like the online schooling much more, but with that, you lose the community, you lose seeing your friends each day, you lose glancing over at the beautiful Fenn buildings and appreciating how lucky you are to go to a school prestigious as Fenn. Those times I miss dearly.
I feel like I am a slave to my computer. My schedule is set up where I have multiple 30 minute free blocks, so I do something not tech-related, and then ding! Back to my confinement I go. I am just imagining how people will feel when all of this blows over. How will they feel in one year? 20? When they are Great Grandparents and talking to their great-grandchildren recalling how they lived through the deadly corona or whatever they are calling it, I wonder what the emotions will be. Will people be sad for the loss of life, or maybe angry for lack of interventions by leaders around the world? Maybe even happy because some guy cured the virus and is now famous?
I wanted this blog post to have some structure, but more and more it is feeling like a rant, but that's ok anyway. Who doesn't love a good meta blog post? Hey classmates reading this, if you really read this whole thing, comment me a good next topic for a blog post. Fitz told me to put some writing skills in here, so I guess I'll throw it in last minute: whether I spell weather wether or whether depends on the weather, but during the summer, I travel to get better weather, but should I travel to Los Angeles, CA; Miami, Florida; or Boston, Ma. This blog post was basically a rant, so next time I will do something different. Well, to all the history majors in 2100, if we even have college then, these were relaxed times for students, but it ruined every event until August.
I hope we all survive these "uncertain times." :)
I like the way that you approached writing this journal, you manage to incorporate humor, while not offending anyone who might have the disease, and you truly can at it as it was, an unprecedented time. There are many things we don't know about this diseases, and there are many questions too, but certainly in the face of crisis, humor and ranting are good things to turn to. Well done!
Posted by: Yoni Ghansah | 04/09/2020 at 07:47 AM
This post was great Eli, it had some amazing ideas that we are all sharing right now. But unfortunately my mind is kinda useless so I don’t have a topic for you, maybe pool? Anyway great post.
Posted by: Max LG | 04/09/2020 at 07:52 AM
I like the jokes that you included throughout the piece, making the post even more enjoyable to read. I also like the questions that you threw in to give the paragraphs more unique. Great job.
Posted by: William O'Malley | 04/09/2020 at 08:02 AM
I enjoyed your humor throughout this piece and how you kept your opinion honest. I Enjoyed the multiple questions asked to the readers to keep them interested. Great job Mr. Sir.
Posted by: Will | 04/10/2020 at 07:33 AM
This entry had a lot of energy and unnexpected language like "moola," keeping the reader on thier toes. You also hooked the reader in with a simple "lets talk covid," a short and effective hook that I would have never thought about using.
Posted by: Nick Brady | 04/13/2020 at 08:13 AM
Sometimes only a rant will capture what you really feel. However, sometimes a rant elevates itself to an essay--as long as it finds its target and voice and sticks to it, In your case, you have two thoughts digging in a field: media-hype and being slave to a computer. You can do both--as long as the transition is not jarring to your reader.
Posted by: Fitz... | 04/13/2020 at 10:21 AM