Growing Up


Tough times with high school and leaving Fenn




“To say goodbye is to die a little.”

-Raymond Chandler


"Another one of Eli's long rants about something not that important." you think. Little did you know, that is entirely true, but this time, it's full of introspection.

My expectations for my high school times are not clear, even too me, but I'll try to lay them out for you. This year I'll be attending either Concord Academy or St. Marks, and I'm leaning towards CA. I have to make up my mind today, so I'll let you guys know where I'm going. As most parents do, my mom wants me to try new things at my high school, which I most certainly will, but I will do it in my own way. I think I want to try crew; CA doesn't have it, but if I go to St. Marks, I will definitely try it. I feel that I would be good at it, considering my size. I would try ceramics again and throw more bowls. I would join clubs and do even more things that would take too long to describe so I'm just going to move on.

I want to be challenged academically, but not so hard that I'm up every night till 3 writing an essay. Overall for high school, I am just nervous and excited, like I think most kids are. Coming on campus to whichever school in September will be nerve-wracking, but just like Fenn, I'll find my way and work through tough times. At my high school, I want community. I want to be accepted for who I am and be supported in all endeavors.

Our situation with this virus has made deciding on my high school very hard. Normally, there would be a revisit day, and I could go to the school and feel the vibe, which would be important in me deciding. I know I'll be happy anywhere, but I want to be at a supportive place; I want to make friends with all kinds of people; I want to try new things; I want to enjoy my times.

I sincerely and deeply will miss Fenn. I will miss the energy here, the community, the teachers, the role-models, and the friends. To everyone reading this, thank you for making this year so special. Graduation better be on.

To me, it just feels like time is moving so damn quickly. Every month of my life feels like a flash. It feels like we have been in school for like 4 months, not 8. In those school times, I have learned so much, but especially from one teacher. Fitz, you have taught me so much (introductory element!) and I am thankful for it. I am thankful for the parallel structure, and more importantly the life lessons. All my teachers have taught me tons. Mr. Barker taught me to never judge a book by its cover, Mr. Ward taught me how discussion is always important, Mrs. Gupta taught me interactivity reigns king, and Mr. Cribb taught me charisma. Every person reading this has shaped me into the person I am today...and I am so grateful.


Thank you all.


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Nick Brady

It was really cool to go inside your brain and look at each and every one of your thoughts on this difficult and complex topic. Few could describe things as complex as this in an organized and entertaining manner, and that is something that you managed to do perfectly.


It was interesting to be able to look inside your head for a moment and see how you're handling all of this change! Although we wont be going to school together I'm excited to here about your future!


This a is a beautiful and thoughtful entry that is not a rant at all, but rather a true reflective "introspection." Nicely done!

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