A Family Experience
Jumbled Thoughts

My Experience with Music

Just more information about my style




Music is the universal language of mankind.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Round three baby, let's finish this.

Music is today topic of choice. I will make sure to call whatever I am sincerely writing about "stupid" or "boring" so in case anyone else doesn't like it, I don't feel attached to it, and I'm not stupid or boring. :)

I listen to a lot of music, in fact, I am listening to a song right now. I think I have already written about music before on my blog, so sorry if this is a bit repetitive.


I listen mostly to Indie music. it suites me. It has a high energy mood but also has teenage angsts and dumb metaphors about love or whatever. I'm going to throw some songs I especially like right here:


Auntie Earth - Walter Mitty and His Makeshift Orchestra
Scott Pilgrim V. My Gpa - Mom Jeans.
Vape Nation 2.0 - Mom Jeans.
Your Graduation - Modern Baseball
Sea Dogs & Pyrite - Soft Cough
Cold Raviolis - Graduating Life
The Kids Will Be Alright, Eventually - Sledding With Tigers
Goodmorning - Bleachers
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space - Spiritualized


Alright, that's probably enough, right? I'm sure you didn't really look one up, which is fine, but if you got the time, and care a tad bit, maybe look one up? Anyways, These songs cover all moods. Some are for when you are happy, angry, sad, mellow, relaxed, etc.

I'm sure my other peers listen to mostly rap songs, which is also great. To each their own, and I actually used to listen to that genre. Some songs aren't that good in rap and are repetitive, but a lot is also really good. In Indie, my suggested songs are either really, really not good, or incredibly high quality. The reason some songs just suck is that they are usually made by one person who has never song written before, so this causes me to fast forward through a lot of songs in my queue.

Another quick topic I can squeeze in here is my love for older music. Music before the 2000's I like as much as Indie and is what I normally share too my friends because like ing older music is less weird then liking some song by a guy in his 20's about depression and love. So, yeah, note that info.

The main thing with music is that it lets you see your mood through the years. On Spotify, you can save songs by "liking" them, which then puts these songs in a playlist. I have had my Spotify account since 2016, and have saved exactly 250 songs on 4/12/20. I can see my maturity from 4 years ago in the songs. Back then, I really only saved songs my parents listened too, and I also liked. Now, I'm on my own musical journey. I find and pave my own path into the world.

It feels like times are a-Changin', and I'm moving on. This point in time for me feels special. It feels like chapter 3 of my autobiography.

It is time to move on.


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Nick Brady

It's funny how you wrote this as if it were rushed, and yet it still packs everything in a good entry should: an interesting theme, paragraphing, a good hook and conclusion... It really is an energetic and intersting style, something I should try and replicate some day.


I enjoy your tone throughout this piece as it keeps it lighthearted and interesting. Though you were rushed on time I felt that this piece was still quite good! Everyone has a musical journey and it was interesting to hear about yours!


You should have "The Times They are a' Changing" video playing in the background of this!



Also, put your titles as titles for the blog. The subtitle goes in the text box.

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