Oliver Tree
My Experience with Music

A Family Experience

How some dirty leaves made my family better




"You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family."

-Anita Baker


    It was a windy cold day. The brisk winds blowing up against our bodies, the troubling task ahead of us, and our will to save money. With my pajamas and winter coat, I walked outside reluctancy. The plastic tool dragging behind me, scraping the pavement.


"Alright, boys! Start Raking!" My mom hollered out. My dad, My brother and I started on the leave covered driveway. I was a bit miffed because my mom was yelling at me before, but I knew I deserved it. I put my left hand on the lower part of the rake and my right just above it. I chomped down on the wet slimly leaves below. I pulled towards me, but the prongs didn't hook onto the bundled mass. I tried to hook it by scraping from below it, which worked. My dad put in his headphones and started working with Billy Joel and David Bowie as his background singers. The repetitive twisting motion I put my hips through was irritating, but I tried to put my mind forward and forget about the pain. Since my Mom was mad at me, I wanted to work really hard to make things neutral. I pushed myself and forgot about anything in the real world.

I was on autopilot. I translated to my mind. I thought about all my wishes and desires, but then, I noticed how lucky I am. I am surrounded by family, which I all love, and we are bonding. Sure, its manual labor, but it is still bonding, and everyone should be pushed sometimes. I saw my brother's dedicated eyes focused on one pile, and my dad helping out my mom with some specialty raking. I knew we were going to be one closer family after this whole ordeal. The raking was long and grueling, over 2 hours, not to mention the three hours before that day, but in the end, I think it was worth it. As we walked into the garage, we walked in as one. My mom turned on the radio inside, and started cooking; my brother went to his room, my sister slept on the couch, my dad also slept, and I went into my room.

This whole experience showed me the value of hard work, and more importantly the value of family, and how important it is to have a group of people helping you out physically and emotionally. We helped out together and gained good experiences.

Make sure to be with the people you love.


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Nick Brady

I liked how this piece foccused on something typically seen as mundane and tiring but zoomed out to see the bigger picture. It was also full of descriptive imagery, especially in the second paragraph, allowing the reader to easily picture exactly what you were going to through without having to make assumptions or try to hard.


I feel like you were writing about my life as I drag my own children out in the backyard to rake leaves and pick up broken branches. Your writing is lively, Willie and descriptive mixed with funny thoughts and profound observations. It was awesome to read this while listening to your equally good podcast.

Max LG

Yard work with family can feel almost like nothing at all once you get into the swing of things. You described that perfectly in this piece, great job Eli!

Rory Kennealy

The descriptive writing was amazing and you set the scene amazingly. It was almost like I could see that picture in my head. Doing work like this with my family is always fun, and I will remember those times. Great writing Eli!


I love the way you took a very boring and uninteresting task and looked at the bigger picture! This is a very well written piece and I hope to see more of this in the future!

Yoni Ghansah

That was a great story you managed to see the bigger picture, and you filled this essay with great imagery and description too. I really enjoyed reading and listening to this writing piece.

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