Journal Entry #7
The First Few Weeks At School
Fun times, but not really
“There are no gains without pains…”
~Benjamin Franklin
As I walked out of the large, green, doors of Ward Hall, after a long, and fairly uninteresting time in All School Meeting, my mind put itself on full autopilot. My legs started to lead me on a walk around the Fenn campus, while I was thinking about what I would do for the next fifteen minutes, believing it to be recess. My subconscious mind, however, noticed quite a peculiar fact. There weren’t any eighth or ninth graders anywhere. Where was everyo-Oh heck. I’m not in Middle School anymore. I slapped myself, and sprinted as fast as I could over to my next class, eternally grateful for the fact that I had just happened to decide to memorize part of my schedule earlier that morning. Some random sixth graders gave me an odd look as I went past, but, luckily, there weren’t any teachers nearby who could stop me from running in the hallways (Mr. Fitz, if you’re reading this... let’s just say “you saw nothing”). As I opened the door to the classroom (quite out of breath), I let out a small sigh of relief. I wasn’t late.
Unlike what All School Meeting has been for these past few weeks, it’s actually been a fairly interesting start to the year, to say the least. On one hand, it’s gone pretty well. My classes are what I wished for them to be, my grades haven’t gotten too bad (yet), and I think I’ve made at least a reasonable first-but-not-really-first impression among most of my teachers. Nothing particularly disappointing has happened to me (again, yet), and I can’t say I wanted too much more to happen during these first several weeks. But then again, I do still have another hand.
Everyone has another hand, even if it theoretically only exists in another dimension that we aren’t able to access. What’s fallen into that hand tells me that I’m going to have a (not) fun time this year, if my schedules don’t line up. Of course, because of the way that the Fenn 7-day academic calendar rotation works, it’s not gonna line up after a couple of weeks. Also, being sick isn’t necessarily what I would include in the category of “fun things”, but then again, who knows? An eye for an eye, a disease for a disease. Perhaps it might come in handy later.