Perspective matters.
”What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also, on where you look from.”
~James Deacon
The world can be viewed in more than one way. This chapter in the book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, taught me that there is always more than one way to approach a specific task at hand. With it’s seemingly complicated, yet also surprisingly straightforward logic, this book shows in a funny and understandable way the benefits of creativity when faced with a problem. I approached this book with what can only be described as a heavy heart. Exams, studying, many failed attempts on trying to write The Power of Respect, they all sort of combined together to make a very... unexciting moment, to say the least. But, as I finished reading through the chapter, my mood began to lighten. After all, wasn’t my situation kind of like Tom’s? We had both been struggling on a task that seemed endless, yet he had succeeded in the end, where I had failed. Yes, I wasn’t completely done yet, and yes, we were doing entirely different tasks, but did that really matter? Maybe I could get some fun from this. We face so many problems in our lives. Although many can’t be improved or changed just by switching up how we do, or approach things, the problems that can be improved/changed can lead to unexpected outcomes. It might be good, or it might be bad. But, either way, it’s going to make an impact. As Tom Sawyer showed us, all it takes to get to one of these outcomes is just a bit of luck, and a stroke of inspiration. Although a change in perspective probably won’t change the world forever, it could definitely make yours, or someone else’s day go far better. But then again, maybe it can change the world.